Thursday, 5 June 2008

Paying the price for pollution

On 6 May , Florence’s Public Prosecutor Giulio Monferini and Giuseppe Soresina have officialy indicted the Mayor, the President of Tuscan Region and other provincial officials for negligence in carrying out their duty to decrase the levels of airborne pollution. The court date has been set for October 3 2008.

Florence Prosecutor’s belive that the regolation of the smog was infringed in 2005, 2006 and 2007.

The accused officials defend theirself saying that they did everything possible for decrasing the phenomenon of the airbone pollution.

The mayor Domenici commented that he don’t looking forward the day of the courtroom for denfending himself from the “ridicolous and unfounded accusation”.

A 2006 study revealed that a decreasing of 40% of the smog levels, could save 129 lives a year in Florence.

Taiti Leonardo, Santoni Roberto

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