Thursday, 27 March 2008

Robin Hood...

“Robin Hood Tales” is a very famous collection of ballad that the talks about a brave man and his faithful group of friends, who fight against the rich cruel people to help the poor. His first apparition in a manuscript is in William Langland’s “Piers Plowman” in 1377. These ballads are full of different and magic places, passion, adventures and engaging duels. One of the most famous lines are “the meeting with Little Jhon”,
Here there’s some lines of it:

“When Robin Hood was about twenty years old, With a hey down down and a down He happened to meet Little John, A jolly brisk blade, right fit for the trade, For he was a lusty young man”.


“Tho he was calld Little, his limbs they were large, And his stature was seven foot high; Where-ever he came, they quak’d at his name, For soon he would make them to fly.”

Today we have also lot of movies about “Robin Hood”, the most famous is “Robin Hood: Prince of thieves” of 1991 with Kevin Kostner, but I want to remember also the funny parody “Robin Hood a man in tights” of 1993, directed by Mel Brooks.

Francesco Viliani

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