Wednesday, 27 February 2008

A city divided

The debate on the construction of the Tramvia in Florence has become fierce and these are the things you need to know before you vote in the referendum on February 17:

1- What is the Tramvia?
The Tramvia is a light rail, quiet and it does not emit exhaust.
Three lines connect more areas of Florence and the total cost of the work is estimated at 700 million euro.
2- The Referendum
Citizens will be asked their opinion of the Tramvia project.
Vote "NO" those who accept the construction of Tramvia, but this is an advisory referendum, and then the administrators of the city are not obliged to consider the results.
3- Cost and tickets price
Opponents of Tramvia project argue that too many public funds were employed for this project and that a Busvia would be much cheaper.
Supporters of the project promise that Tramvia tickets will cost like bus tickets (1,20 euro).
4- Traffic and pollution
The results of a study conducted by Ataf and Federconsumatori says that Tramvia will reduce the traffic by only 4 percent, but it will reduce carbon dioxide by 43 percent, nitrogen oxide by 37 percent and particulate matter by 21 percent.
5- Tracks, curbs and aesthetics
The protective curbs have been fiercely criticized, because opponents argue that these curbs would be an obstacle both for pedestrians and traffic, because Tramvia occupies 50 percent of any city street.
They also argue that the Tramvia can damage the beauty of Florentine artistic heritage.

Now, these are the major issues advanced by both supporters and adversaries, but, even if there are these great debates, you have to decide.

Andrea Vagnoli - Mauro Paradisi

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